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POP07 - The Seeker

If you have some suggestions or comments you would like to pass on to me about these pages you may do so at:

This letter in the POP series
is the last one in which I will be talking about
my own experiences.
The next several should be much more interesting
to you,
because they will be talking about YOU.

My purpose in talking about my own experiences
has been two fold.
So, that you could know something about me, but,

Secondly, I wanted you to know
that I have examined many, many paths to Truth
and while I won't say that there are any false paths
some of them are very, very circuitous.
I am hoping to show to you what I have found to be
The True Path.

Many people send me all sorts of information today.
And I am very appreciative to receive it.
Information about all sorts of
and many other interesting things.

I have a very Fast Filter
so I can deal with all of these very rapidly.
But the problem is
that other people have fast filters also.

They say to me -

You can fill in your own words for the blank,
but just yesterday some them would have been
the Rapture
the NWO
and twice about the White Buffalo
and twice about the Environment
and one of the fellows wanted to be removed from the list
because my answer was not the right one about the environment.

Many times too,
the blank is about which church
and this can be
Mormon (LDS)
or just Christianity itself.
Millions of people out there
have such fast filters
that they would not even be on this list in the first place.

The real issue is not
how FAST one's filter is,
but how ACCURATE it is.
Better accurate than fast,
but we get so much information today
that you need to be able to sort out what you are going to examine.

Here is a good test.
You have a lot of experience in your life
and have hopefully already sorted out lots of baloney.
As a result you have developed a system of thought,
perhaps even a philosophy that you trust.

When someone comes with something new,
then your natural and proper response is,

If the person has no idea of what you believe,
then they can't explain their belief from your perspective.
It just boils down to:

about superficial matters with no understanding of why.

Okay, so they have a great and complicated system,
about physics or whatever,
but they need to be able to put it in terms
that you can understand.

It is a long journey to understand a complicated system
but every journey must begin from where you are
and in terms that you understand.
That is the teacher's responsibility
to meet you on the path at the point where you are.
It is then your responsibility
to take the next step on the path
in which the teacher points.

If someone shows up at my door in the next few minutes
and says:

I will say,

Now, this person, to know that I am wrong,
"full of baloney"
is going to have to know what I believe.
Otherwise, it is as if he says,

and I look in the box and I say -

and he replies,

and I say,

still he replies,

At this point, we can't go forward.
If the person is a Christian
I tell them,

But, it is often the case that people can only look in their box,
or if they will even glance in another box
it is not really to see what is in it
but just so that they can "prove" that what is in their box is better.

All this will never do.
One must lay aside their prejudices
no matter what they are
to step forward on the True Path.
People are born into all sorts of prejudices.
You are whatever color skin you are -
because your parents were that color skin.
You speak whatever language you speak -
because your parents spoke that language.
You are probably whatever nationality your parents were,
and a member of whatever religion (Christian, Moslem, Buddhist, Hindu)
that your parents were.
You are in the box that you were born in.

Oh, we make small changes,
from one denomination to another.
Learning a "foreign" language,
changing from one political party to another,
but all within the culture of which we are a part.

If you were born in America
it is very unlikely that you will end up
as a Buddhist in Japan speaking Japanese
or as a Hindu in India speaking Punjabi.
And why would you want to.
You know that what you have is good.
But it is just that a dramatic change
that I am inviting you to,
because it is to something BETTER.

There is really no need for you to read further
in this particular email.
If you are committed to the journey,
then I have had said enough.
The rest is too much,
because it is again just about my personal experiences.

Many the tale
that I would like to share with you -
about a number of mystical experiences in the Arctic,
about my UFO encounters -
(that alone takes over an hour to relate verbally),
but briefly I was a control tower operator
at one of the five experimental Air Force Bases in the U.S.,
and actually sent planes in pursuit.

I would like to tell you about my publishing
(for another writer)
lengthy books on Pyramidology
(I was a publisher for some years).

I would like to tell you about
many strange astronomical phenomena that I have studied
(I set up a professional observatory at one college)
and you might like to look at my millenium star.

I would like to tell you about studies
on the Bible Code
(a way of counting and arranging the letters
in the original Bible Texts
so as to create prophecies).
Or about a study that a friend of mine did
on the Celestine Prophecies,
that really impressed me.

I would like to talk further about Bibliomancy,
the various methods of turning randomly
to Scriptures for guidance.
(One method that I am considerably more inclined towards).

I could tell you about experiences
in many different Ashrams,
with the Moonies,
and the Hari Krishnas,
with Dianetics and the E-meter
-yep, read the whole book - did the tests.

Yes, I took the courses,
received the secrets,
of most every Guru that you can name -
from TM (the Beatles favorite)
to the (young at the time) Guru Maharaji
(just checked that he is still around).
All very interesting.

Met all sorts of interesting people.
Weekly luncheons with one group
that had several UFO abductees
(so they claimed or believed).
Most of them realized that they were schizophrenic,
having at sometime been hospitalized,
but one may have been one of the few real charlatans
that I have ever met.
He made, and I guess still makes,
a substantial living from his books
which are particularly popular in Japan.
Most of these people are simply self deluded.
Doesn't mean that I don't still like them,
and also that they don't sometimes (mixed in)
have amazing insights -
because they often do.

Just like drug and alcohol addicts.
Often amazing insights
about everything except their own problems.
Too often we are quick to call groups cults.
They are just people
who have gotten off the path of reality
more commonly accepted.
Usually the paths have many erroneous elements,
but so then is the path followed
by most "normal" people.
That of knowing all the latest sports scores,
what the popular brand names are for clothing,
knowing who the stars are in the latest movies ,
and all the materialistic hype of modern CULTure,
is another path equally divorced from reality,
as is all the dogmatic conformance to churchianity,
patriotism, or for that matter any other fanaticism
of the current "CULTural revolutions".

We should not envy the powerful or rich
(I have been in the same room
with a number of U.S. presidents),
nor despise the poor and downtrodden,
for God leads each on their own way.
I have taught volunteer college courses
to lifers in prison,
and have served as a psychiatric social worker,
in several institutions,
and I know that many of these people are
more sincere in their struggle to find reality,
than are masses of people
that freely wander the earth.
I at one time lived a block and a half
from the corner of Haight and Ashbury.
You have to be ooollld
to understand the significance of that.

My purpose in reciting all this to you,
is that you may know that
I have examined every avenue,
in the search for Truth.
And as lengthy as is this accounting
it does not begin to exhaust all that I have done.
Strange Rosicrucian experiences.
Serving as Chauffeur and Guard for Ezra Taft Benson,
then Secretary of Agriculture of the United States,
and later Prophet of the Mormon Church
(I put this in for my LDS friends),
and still the list goes on and on.
Who else among you has had your life threatened
in Philadelphia Mississippi
(where three voting workers bodies
were found buried in the dam),
or have lain on the floor with your family
as the gun battles went on in the street
one floor below and a block and a half
from the Black Panther Headquarters.

But enough of this.
Too much already,
although I could go on and on.
I receive many emails each day
(all of which I try to answer)
from people with a great variety
of different belief systems.

The purpose of the previous emails was to show
the spirit of search
with which one must seek.
But, as Jonathan Livingston Seagull once said,
"It is good to be a seeker,
but it is better to be a finder."

And in my searching-
I did find.
I found not only how to identify the True Prophet,
but I also found the True Prophet.
The time is now too short to continue with tales.
The time has come for the Truth to be Told,
and I shall tell you how to find it for yourself.
But, you must be willing to make the journey yourself.
No one else can make it for you.
Just as every student of mathematics
must work the mathematics out for themselves,
because no one else can do it for them.
Oh' we can show the formula,
go through the exercise,
but in the end each one must think it out for their self.

Because we live in a Christian Culture,
the proofs that I am going to present are
Christian proofs.
If we lived in a
or other culture,
then I would use proofs from those cultures.

It makes no difference
if you consider yourself a Christian or not,
because you live in a Christian culture,
you will be able to understand the proofs
from a Christian perspective.
Yes, we will look in the Bible,
and if you do not currently believe in the Bible,
then afterwards, if you follow the presentation,
you will come to a new appreciation of its significance.

So now, our search for the True Prophet,
and the True Prophecies,
has taken this turn.
Bear with me if you will,
or depart in peace.

Peace and love,
Bruce Beach

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